Training course

Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Universal Jurisdiction

Z wielką przyjemnością zapraszamy na warsztaty skierowane do praktyków prawa oraz organizacji społecznych, które chcą pogłębić swoją wiedzę na temat teoretycznych i praktycznych aspektów jurysdykcji uniwersalnej (JU). Warsztaty są organizowane przez Project Sunflowers we współpracy z Helsińską Fundacją Praw Człowieka i Centrum Badań nad Międzynarodowym Prawem Karnym INP PAN, i odbędą się 14 listopada 2024 roku w Warszawie. Celem warsztatów nie jest jedynie przekazanie wiedzy, ale również zainicjowanie dyskusji na temat przeszkód i możliwości wykorzystania JU w Polsce, z myślą o umożliwieniu pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności sprawców za zbrodnie międzynarodowe przed sądami polskimi. Zachęcamy do rozpowszechniania zaproszenia Państwa kanałami wśród innych przedstawicieli społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, którzy mogliby być zainteresowani wzięciem udziału w tym wydarzeniu.

Dlaczego warto wziąć udział?

Jurysdykcja uniwersalna to kluczowy mechanizm pozwalający na pociągnięcie do odpowiedzialności sprawców najpoważniejszych zbrodni międzynarodowych, bez względu na to, gdzie miały miejsce. Jednak w Polsce jej praktyka jest znikoma. Opierając się na bogatym doświadczeniu takich organizacji jak European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, Clooney Foundation for Justice i REDRESS, te warsztaty stanowią wyjątkową okazję dla polskich prawników i organizacji społecznych do zdobycia cennych praktycznych umiejętności oraz wiedzy w zakresie skutecznego prowadzenia postępowań na podstawie JU.

Jest to szczególnie istotne dzisiaj, gdy na terytorium Polski przebywają ofiary i ocalali z tego rodzaju zbrodni, a organy władzy wykonawczej są otwarte na reformę systemu prawa karnego, z uwzględnieniem zmian przyczyniających się do możliwości korzystania z JU na nowych zasadach. Jednak bez wsparcia oferowanego przez organizacje społeczne oraz wyszkolonych adwokatów i radców prawnych, ofiary i ocalali nie są w stanie poszukiwać sprawiedliwości na drodze sądowej. Wierzymy, że warsztaty będą okazją nie tylko do podjęcia dyskusji, ale również koordynacji działań społeczeństwa obywatelskiego na terytorium Polski.

Mamy nadzieję, że warsztaty i działania Koalicji KOOS będą szczególnie ciekawe dla tych z Państwa, którzy angażują się w pomoc osobom dostającym się (i próbującym się dostać) do Polski przez granicę białoruską, a także osobom, które doświadczyły naruszeń praw człowieka w takich krajach jak Ukraina, Palestyna, Syria czy Sudan.

Plan warsztatów

1. Wystąpienie European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) – obejmujące podstawowe pojęcia związane z JU, prawne i praktyczne wyzwania, studia przypadków oraz planowanie i strategię (2h)

2. Wystąpienie Clooney Foundation for Justice – prezentujące narzędzia rozwinięte z myślą o prowadzeniu postępowań na podstawie JU, w tym Justice Beyond Borders (45 min)

3. Wystąpienie REDRESS na temat działań International Accountability Platform for Belarus oraz roli JU w ściganiu zbrodni popełnionych w Białorusi (1h).

4. Prezentacja Koalicji na rzecz Ofiar, Ocalałych i Świadków (KOOS), która obejmuje polskie organizacje dokumentujące zbrodnie międzynarodowe i wspierające ofiary i ocalałych. KOOS jest otwarta na współpracę z innymi organizacjami, naukowcami, prawnikami i organami państwowymi.

5. Q&A oraz dyskusja

• Data: 14 listopada 2024 roku
• Miejsce: Polska Akademia Nauk ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa, sala 273, II piętro
• Godzina: 8:30-16:00 • Udział: Wyłącznie osobisty (brak połączenia online), warsztaty będą prowadzone w języku angielskim.
• Opłata: Udział w warsztatach jest bezpłatny, jednak ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc rejestracja odbywa się według kolejności zgłoszeń.

Zachęcamy do szybkiej rejestracji, ponieważ liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Państwa udział będzie kluczowy dla kształtowania przyszłych strategii korzystania z JU w Polsce oraz wspierania międzynarodowej walki o sprawiedliwość. Prosimy o potwierdzenie udziału korzystając z tego formularza (ze względu na ograniczenia salowe prosimy o uczestnictwo max. 2 osób na organizację). W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt z Kają Kowalczewską [].


Conference on Accountability for Crimes Committed in Ukraine and Joint Efforts to Make it Happen 13 November 2024, Warsaw

Foundation Sunflowers together with Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, under an honorary patronage of the Ministry of Justice, is organizing a conference on Accountability for Crimes Committed in Ukraine and Joint Efforts to Make it Happen. The conference will take place on 13 November 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. 

The conference, hosted by Poland, is an opportunity to bring together Polish, Ukrainian and international policymakers, legal experts, academics, and civil society organisations (CSOs) to take stock and discuss the importance of domesticating international criminal law to fight impunity for international crimes committed by the Russian Federation armed forces in Ukraine. The aims are to: 
  • enhance coordination of accountability initiatives in Poland and with other European actors. 
  • reflect on necessary policy change and capacity building in Poland to increase the effectiveness of these initiatives, comparing experiences from other countries where international crimes are prosecuted before domestic courts. 
  • promote a holistic approach to ensuring the rights of the victims and survivors.

Poland, as a country bordering Ukraine and hosting nearly one million refugees, has taken action to fight the impunity of the perpetrators of international crimes committed in Ukraine. In 2022, the Office of the Polish Prosecutor General initiated criminal proceedings concerning Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and war crimes committed in the context of the war. The purpose is to support investigations conducted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Ukrainian justice system, and European countries that exercise universal jurisdiction. Civil society organisations in Poland have also documented violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) to support access to justice and reparations for the survivors. At the same time, Poland faces challenges that must be addressed to ensure more effective investigation and prosecution of international crimes. The challenges are legal (e.g., related to exercising universal jurisdiction, developing a methodology of investigating international crimes) and practical (e.g., implementing standards to prevent re-victimization in collecting evidence and developing guidelines to ensure victims and survivors can access medical and psycho-social assistance). The conference participants will be asked to share their knowledge and expertise to inform solutions to both challenges. Two panels will focus on the legal aspects, and two panels will examine the needs and rights of the survivors.

The conference’s language is English, and simultaneous translation (Ukrainian, Polish) will be provided. The participants will represent the legal profession from Poland, Ukraine, and other European countries, as well as international institutions, academia, and civil society organisations.

The conference is organized with the support of the EU Project Pravo-Justice, Krajowa Izba Radców Prawnych, Naczelna Rada Adwokacka, the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Raphael Lemkin Centre for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine, the Polish Center for Tortured Survivors Foundation, the Opora Foundation in Warsaw, and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. The media patronage of the conference was provided by Wolters Kluwer.


Interview given by Dr Ewa Hofmańska and Professor Hanna Kuczyńska about the conference on universal jurisdiction, organizing with Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights 

Poland has welcomed around one million refugees from Ukraine, some of whom have directly experienced or witnessed international crimes. On November 13, 2024, a conference organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Sunflowers Foundation, under the patronage of the Ministry of Justice, will address the challenges of building an effective system for prosecuting international crimes in Poland and providing support to victims and survivors.

Read more on,529899.html


Prof. Hanna Kuczyńska’s Speech at 2024 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference

On the 1st of October 2024 Prof. Hanna Kuczyńska, member of the Project Sunflowers Executive Board took part as a speaker in the Side Event of the 2024 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference entitled: “Universal jurisdiction: the path to justice and solidarity in finding and prosecuting international criminals” organized by Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group; Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and Public Interest Journalism Lab.

This side-event explored how exercise of universal jurisdiction by participating States in cases related to torture and other crimes committed in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine can contribute to combating impunity for perpetrators in the wider OSCE region. Universal jurisdiction is an essential tool of international justice. The exercise of universal jurisdiction by domestic courts is especially relevant in situations where such crimes are committed systematically or on a large and systematic scale, and the justice system of the State on whose territory atrocities were committed cannot reasonably be expected to successfully investigate and prosecute all such crimes. Most importantly, universal jurisdiction helps ensure that all survivors of torture and other international crimes can seek the right to truth, justice and reparation.


Dr. Anna Adamska-Gallant Elected Judge of the European Court of Human Rights – A Landmark Achievement for Justice and Human Rights

It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce that on October 1, 2024, one of the founders of the Sunflowers Foundation, Dr. Anna Adamska-Gallant, was elected as a judge of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The European Court of Human Rights is an international court established in 1959. It hears individual or state applications for violations of civil and political rights as defined by the European Convention on Human Rights. Since 1998, it has ruled as a permanent court, and individuals can address it directly. The Court has dealt with hundreds of thousands of applications since its establishment. Its rulings are binding on the countries concerned and have led to changes in the legislation and administrative practice of governments in a wide range of areas. The Court’s jurisprudence makes the Convention a modern and powerful living instrument for confronting new challenges and strengthening the rule of law and democracy in Europe.

The Court is based in Strasbourg, in the Human Rights Building designed by British architect Lord Richard Rogers in 1995. – a building whose image is known around the world. From here, the Court monitors the human rights of 700 million Europeans in the 46 member states of the Council of Europe that have ratified the Convention.


Hanna Kuczynska speaking at the Ukrainian International Criminal Justice Week Conference in Kyiv

Professor Hanna Kuczynska, a member of the Board of Directors of Project Sunflowers, was a speaker at the Ukrainian International Criminal Justice Week organised by The Center for Civil Liberties in Kyiv.

Mor information about the conference:


Dr. Andriy Kosylo Discusses Sunflowers Project in Farwater East Media Interview

The Ukrainian news portal Farwater East Media published an interview with Dr Andriy Kosylo – member of the management board of the Sunflowers Foundation. In the interview, Dr Kosylo talks about the implementation of the Sunflowers Project over the last two years.

Interview in Ukrainian.


Polish National Chamber of Legal Advisers Partners with Foundation Sunflowers to Support Justice in Ukraine

We are proud to announce that the Polish National Chamber of Legal Advisers (KIRP) is an official Partner of the Foundation Sunflowers.
KIRP is a nationwide professional self-government of legal advisers:
– as a community of all legal advisers, it acts for the benefit of individual and all citizens, realising the principle of social justice concerning access to legal aid,
– enhances respect for legalism by public authorities,
– upholds that public authorities act on the basis and within the law. 
For these reasons, KIRP acts in the public interest and for its protection. 
Foundation Sunflowers, which implements Project Sunflowers, supports international and national justice authorities in the prosecution and adjudication of the gravest crimes committed in Ukraine and endeavours to ensure that the damage caused during the ongoing war there is repaired. The Foundation works for the benefit of the international community.  
Read more about KIRP:

Foundation Sunflowers takes part in Europol Training on Collecting Evidence of War Crimes in Ukraine

On July 2, 2024, a training was held in Warsaw conducted by Europol officers for Polish organizations collecting evidence of war crimes in Ukraine.

The training was attended by representatives of the foundations Opora in Poland, the Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights, the Pilecki Institute, and the Sunflowers Foundation. General information about Europol, organizational structure, basic principles of work and how Europol works with evidence of international crimes on the territory of Ukraine were discussed. Officers also presented the method of first contact with crime victims and witnesses, according to the principle: first, do no harm. From the Sunflowers foundation in the training took part prof. Hanna Kuczyńska – a member of the board of the foundation and Kateryna Oleksiuk – a volunteer of the project 


Wolters Kluwer Polska Joins Foundation Sunflowers as Official Partner

We are honoured and proud to announce that Wolters Kluwer Polska has become an official Partner of the Foundation Sunflowers. 

As a provider of professional legal information and technology, Wolters Kluwer supports the Foundation and the Project Sunflowers, which it runs, by contributing to raising public awareness of the legal and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, and joins the Foundation’s efforts in collecting information about evidence of crimes committed in Ukraine and victims of the war.