
Interview with Ewa Hofmańska in the The National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law magazine

Ewa Hofmańska was interview in the latest The National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law magazine in Poland.

In the legal world, by the legal community and NGOs, the Sunflowers Project, which you manage, is extremely well regarded. What is the mission of this project?
“The primary mission of the project is to support international and domestic justice bodies set up to prosecute and try international law crimes committed in Ukraine, to support representatives of those harmed by the ongoing war there, and to support institutions that will prepare reparation programs for survivors in the future. In addition, our mission is to raise the level of awareness of the international community about international criminal law, humanitarian law, migration law, human rights and the rights of those affected by armed conflict.”

Read more:


Project Sunflowers experts at the „Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice” Conference

The Kraków Center for International Criminal Justice together with the Department of Criminal Procedure at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, is organising a conference on Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice!

We are proud that so many Project Sunflowers experts and team members will be attending this event! More information

Save the date: June 1, 2024, and the venue: The Larisch Palace, Bracka 12, Kraków, Poland


Professor Wiliński represented Foundation Sunflowers at the III Legal Forum

We are truly pleased to announce that Professor Paweł Wiliński, Chairman of the Board of the Sunflowers Foundation, represented the Foundation at the III Legal Forum, which started today, 23 May 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. Professor Wiliński took part in a panel on Confiscation of the Russian assets abroad as a fair mechanism of compensation for the damage to business and citizens of Ukraine. 

The Legal Forum EU-Eastern Partnership is a modern communication platform created in 2022 as a new platform for constructive dialogue between law firm partners, heads of legal departments of companies and specialists in business development, marketing and promotion of legal services from Europe, the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia and the Caucasus. 


In Defence of an Internationalised Tribunal

Join us, virtually, on the 21st of May 2024, Tuesday, at 6:00 PM CET, for the a zoom webinar entitled: In Defence of an Internationalised Tribunal”.

The topic will be presented by Professor Kevin Jon Heller, who is Professor of International Law and Security at the University of Copenhagen’s Centre for Military Studies and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, currently serving as Special Advisor to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on War Crimes.

The webinar focuses on the challenges and opportunities of prosecuting core crimes by an internationalized tribunal and the speaker will be considering various problems (pro and contra such a tribunal) arising from accepting the statement that the international society should grant jurisdiction arising under national criminal codes and general international law to a dedicated international criminal tribunal that should be established to investigate and prosecute individuals who have committed the crime of aggression in respect of the territory of Ukraine, including those who have materially influenced or shaped the commission of that crime.

The meeting will be moderated by Professor Hanna Kuczyńska, Member of the Executive Board of Sunflowers Foundation and professor at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The webinar will be conducted in English and simultaneous translations into Ukrainian will be available.

Here is the link to registration:

The webinar is a joint event of the Project Sunflowers and the EU Pravo-Justice Project.

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War Crimes Prosecution: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia for Ukraine

Join us, virtually, on the 22h of April 2024, Monday, at 6:00 PM CET, for the a zoom webinar entitled: War Crimes Prosecution: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia for Ukraine”. The topic will be presented by dr Iva Vukušić, who is a historian and a genocide scholar, Assistant Professor in International History at Utrecht University, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. 

The second speaker will be dr Anna Adamska-Gallant, Ph.D., former international judge in Kosovo, head of the Judiciary Component of EU Pravo Justice in Ukraine.

The webinar focuses on the challenges and opportunities of prosecuting war crimes, and on the many difficulties ahead of Ukraine in an effort to provide some justice for survivors. Dr. Vukušić spent years working on accountability in the former Yugoslavia and The Hague, and will use that experience to provide some insights into ways forward for Ukraine. The focus will be on criminal accountability for international crimes at the ICC and within the domestic judiciary, as well as efforts to prosecute the Crime of Aggression.

The meeting will be moderated by dr Andriy Kosylo, adjunct professor at the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization and at the Warsaw University, Department of Criminology and Criminal Policy, he is a Board Member of the Foundation Sunflowers.

The webinar will be conducted in English and simultaneous translations into Ukrainian will be available.

The webinar is a joint event of the Project Sunflowers and the EU Pravo-Justice Project.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:

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Reparative Justice IV: Challenges of Engaging, Interviewing and Supporting Child victims / survivors / witnesses of War and Terror

This International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma webinar series is held in collaboration with Project Sunflowers. It is a fourth in a series, following I: a conceptual introduction to reparative justice, II. key groups of traumatized victims and III. Difficulties in Listening to and Hearing Traumatized Witnesses/Victims/Survivors, all answering the call for specialized training in reparative justice for professionals and others working with them. This webinar begins the in-depth focus on engaging specifically with child victim/survivors/witnesses of the array of war’s and terror’s massive trauma to help heal and protect both child victim/survivors (family community members) and the professionals themselves from potential re/traumatization of sharing traumatic experiences. Participants are urged to view the three earlier webinars of this series prior to attending this one.

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice I:

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice II:

Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice III:

Ukrainian-English interpretation will be provided.

Presentation will be given by Mykola Kuleba (statesman, children’s rights advocate and humanitarian; co-founder of Ukraine Without Orphans Alliance and co-founder/head of Save Ukraine – a multidisciplinary organization that repatriated 273 forcibly transferred Ukrainian children from Russia and the temporarily occupied territories), Orma Dotan (economist and business manager, who for the past twenty years focused on managing health systems, autism, and old age; on October 10 she established the Resilience Unit at the Families Forum of the Abducted and Missing and manages Sderot’s Ezra Lemarphe rehabilitation center that combines physical and mental rehabilitation), dr Oksana Senatorova (Ukrainian lawyer specializing in humanitarian law, international criminal law, human rights law and transitional justice; Legal and Policy Advisor to Geneva Call, Ukraine; expert of Council of Europe, EU, ICRC and advisor to several Ukrainian state bodies; one of the initiators of Project Sunflowers), dr Michelle Slone (full professor at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Reichman University, Israel; her research interests include trauma and post-traumatic reactions, resilience and its promotion in therapy, individual and group therapy for trauma exposure and cross-cultural issues related to trauma and treatment). The webinar will be moderated by dr Yael Danieli (clinical psychologist, traumatologist, victimologist and psychohistorian, Dr. Danieli is Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for the study, prevention and treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma; Director, Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and their Children and Past-President, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies)

Link to register:


Ewa Hofmańska attended symposium organised by the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

On 27-29 March 2024, Ewa Hofmanska, President of the Foundation Sunflowers attended a symposium organised by the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. There she gave a lecture to law students on documenting war crimes and other human rights violations in Ukraine for use in post-conflict accountability proceedings. In addition, she also participated in a panel on Witnessing and Accountability: Allocating Care in an Age of Global Crisis, where she discussed the issue of accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine.


Ewa Hofmańska participation in a symposium on Ukraine at War: Life in a Time of Fear and Hope organised by The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University

We are thrilled to announce that Dr Ewa Hofmańska, President of the Foundation Sunflowers, will participate in a symposium on Ukraine at War: Life in a Time of Fear and Hope, organised by The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University from Wednesday, March 27 through Friday, March 29, 2024.

The symposium seeks to raise public awareness about the struggle of Ukrainians to defend their democracy and culture in the face of the Russian invasion. Dr Hofmańska will be a featured speaker along with other Ukrainian activists.

More about the program, please, see:


Partnership with Omnis Foundation

In partnership with Omnis Foundation, we are implementing Project Sunflowers, that mission is, among others, to raise awareness of the youth, their parents and legal representatives, of their rights as victims of the war.

Omnis is a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring communities in crisis by establishing health and education programs based on social responsibility. Omnis’ goal is to provide the resources necessary to achieve sustainable growth. Omnis believes that the best way to realize one’s potential is to create an environment that fosters progress.

Omnis began their work in Ukraine in 2014 in response to the immediate humanitarian needs of families and children affected by the unrest in Eastern Ukraine. Today, that conflict unfolded into a humanitarian catastrophe and put millions of civilians at risk. Omnis established partnerships and initiatives play a critical role in providing emergency medical aid and empowering doctors with resources to treat wounded and those in need of critical medical care.

Educating future generations is a part of their long-term initiatives. As they say, knowledge is power. Omnis ongoing initiatives give underprivileged children and young adults access to better education through direct sponsorship or education resources that open them up to reach their full potential.

Omnis works with the global community to develop and implement programs that help the people of Ukraine address current challenges. Omnis strives to equip individuals with the necessary tools and skills to prepare them to overcome present challenges and shift the trajectory of their life toward a brighter future.

To join Project Sunflowers, please complete the form at: 
or email us at: and  

If you would like to share information about evidence of international crimes committed in Ukraine and/or about victims of the war, please, check how to do that here: 

The role and powers of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP)_fb

The role and powers of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute of the ICC as the ‘executive’ and ‘legislative’ organ of the ICC as ‘International Organization

Join us, virtually, on the 25th of March 2024, Monday, at 6:00 PM CET, for the a zoom webinar entitled: “The role and powers of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute of the ICC as the ‘executive’ and ‘legislative’ organ of the ICC as ‘International Organization”. The topic will be presented by David Donat-Cattin, who is the Adjunct Associate Professor of International Law at New York University (NYU) Center for Global Affairs (2012 to present), lecturer of International Law and the Law of International Organizations at the University of Verona, Italy.

The second speaker will be Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, the President of the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 2020-2023, former Judge and President of the ICC (2009-2018, 2015-2018) and career diplomat with over thirty years of experience in international criminal law, humanitarian and human rights law.

The webinar focuses on the analysis on some critical elements on the functioning of the ASP, which should improve its effectiveness and efficacy in the application of the Rome Statute.

The meeting will be moderated by Professor Paweł Wiliński, Professor of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Chairman of the Foundation Sunflowers.

The webinar will be conducted in English.

Please, use the following link to register: