Tag: news


Foundation Sunflowers takes part in Europol Training on Collecting Evidence of War Crimes in Ukraine

On July 2, 2024, a training was held in Warsaw conducted by Europol officers for Polish organizations collecting evidence of war crimes in Ukraine.

The training was attended by representatives of the foundations Opora in Poland, the Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights, the Pilecki Institute, and the Sunflowers Foundation. General information about Europol, organizational structure, basic principles of work and how Europol works with evidence of international crimes on the territory of Ukraine were discussed. Officers also presented the method of first contact with crime victims and witnesses, according to the principle: first, do no harm. From the Sunflowers foundation in the training took part prof. Hanna Kuczyńska – a member of the board of the foundation and Kateryna Oleksiuk – a volunteer of the project 


Wolters Kluwer Polska Joins Foundation Sunflowers as Official Partner

We are honoured and proud to announce that Wolters Kluwer Polska has become an official Partner of the Foundation Sunflowers. 

As a provider of professional legal information and technology, Wolters Kluwer supports the Foundation and the Project Sunflowers, which it runs, by contributing to raising public awareness of the legal and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, and joins the Foundation’s efforts in collecting information about evidence of crimes committed in Ukraine and victims of the war.   

Professor Piotr Hofmański Appointed Ambassador of the Foundation Sunflowers

We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that Professor Piotr Hofmański, who has served as a judge at the International Criminal Court in The Hague for the last 9 years (2015-2024), where he was its president for the last 3 years (2021-2024), has become an Ambassador of the Foundation Sunflowers. This unique status is granted by the Foundation’s Council to a person who enjoys widespread authority, identifies with the Foundation’s values and supports the Foundation in its mission.

‘Accepting that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, the drafters of the Rome Statute aimed to eliminate impunity by providing for a system whereby eventual accountability would be secured collectively by the international community’ – Piotr Hofmanski.


Foundation Sunflowers joins NGO-ICC Roundtable in The Hague to promote ICC awareness

Ewa Hofmańska, President of the Foundation Sunflowers participates in the week-long NGO-ICC Roundtable in The Hague. Civil society organizations – affiliated with the Coalition for the ICC, play a key role in promoting the International Criminal Court, are important intermediaries of the Court, helping to raise awareness of the ICC worldwide, advocating for universal acceptance of the Rome Statute. 

Foundation Sunflowers was granted membership to the Coalition for the ICC in October 2023. 

A session on the situation in Ukraine is scheduled for the final day (28 June) of the Roundtable. 

Meeting in the National Prosecutor’s Office of Poland

A meeting between prosecutors investigating Russian aggression against Ukraine and representatives of civil society organizations was held at the headquarters of the National Prosecutor’s Office on June 11 in Warsaw. 

On the organization’s side, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the Pilecki Institute, the Sunflowers Project, Opora in Poland and the Clooney Foundation.

At the meeting, the two-year cooperation to date was discussed, as well as the possibility of future support of the investigation team by representatives of the civic community. Letter from the representative of civil society organizations attached.

Read more: https://www.gov.pl/web/prokuratura-krajowa/prokuratorzy-prowadzacy-sledztwo-dotyczace-rosyjskiej-agresji-na-ukraine-spotkali-sie-z-przedstawicielami-organizacji-pozarzadowych 


Hanna Kuczynska discussing ICC’s provisional arrest requests on Radio 357

Professor Hanna Kuczynska, a member of the Board of Directors of Project Sunflowers, was a guest on Radio 357.

In the conversation, which will be hosted by Michal Zakowski, she spoke, among other things, about the significance of the statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on the request for the issuance of provisional arrests against the leaders of Hamas and Israel.

Listen to the whole program: https://link.radio357.pl/twoje357/audycje/61454/488591


Interview with Ewa Hofmańska in the The National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law magazine

Ewa Hofmańska was interview in the latest The National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law magazine in Poland.

In the legal world, by the legal community and NGOs, the Sunflowers Project, which you manage, is extremely well regarded. What is the mission of this project?
“The primary mission of the project is to support international and domestic justice bodies set up to prosecute and try international law crimes committed in Ukraine, to support representatives of those harmed by the ongoing war there, and to support institutions that will prepare reparation programs for survivors in the future. In addition, our mission is to raise the level of awareness of the international community about international criminal law, humanitarian law, migration law, human rights and the rights of those affected by armed conflict.”

Read more: https://kirp.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/radca_prawny_nr_213_net.pdf


Project Sunflowers experts at the „Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice” Conference

The Kraków Center for International Criminal Justice together with the Department of Criminal Procedure at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, is organising a conference on Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice!

We are proud that so many Project Sunflowers experts and team members will be attending this event! More information https://www.law.uj.edu.pl/kpk/strona/conference-contemporary-challenges-of-international-criminal-justice-1-6-2024/

Save the date: June 1, 2024, and the venue: The Larisch Palace, Bracka 12, Kraków, Poland


Professor Wiliński represented Foundation Sunflowers at the III Legal Forum

We are truly pleased to announce that Professor Paweł Wiliński, Chairman of the Board of the Sunflowers Foundation, represented the Foundation at the III Legal Forum, which started today, 23 May 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. Professor Wiliński took part in a panel on Confiscation of the Russian assets abroad as a fair mechanism of compensation for the damage to business and citizens of Ukraine. 

The Legal Forum EU-Eastern Partnership is a modern communication platform created in 2022 as a new platform for constructive dialogue between law firm partners, heads of legal departments of companies and specialists in business development, marketing and promotion of legal services from Europe, the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia and the Caucasus. 


Ewa Hofmańska attended symposium organised by the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

On 27-29 March 2024, Ewa Hofmanska, President of the Foundation Sunflowers attended a symposium organised by the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. There she gave a lecture to law students on documenting war crimes and other human rights violations in Ukraine for use in post-conflict accountability proceedings. In addition, she also participated in a panel on Witnessing and Accountability: Allocating Care in an Age of Global Crisis, where she discussed the issue of accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine.