Foundation Sunflowers

Crowdfunding Campaign

Project Sunflowers is in need of financial support primarily due to the unexpectedly high costs of the Project’s IT service! Foundation Sunflowers has ordered a sophisticated data collection app that meets the highest security requirements and is currently unable to pay off the remaining amount of the ordered app, despite multifaceted attempts (grants, private donors). The funds raised will help cover the extremely high costs of maintaining a secure server to store the data (the Foundation used the server for free for the first six months). In addition, further structural investments are needed for the classification and transfer of data. Finally, with the funds raised, the Foundation will be able to continue training volunteers, including with specialised psychological trainings that prepare volunteers to contact potential witnesses and victims of the war, who are very often deeply traumatised. 
Everything what has been done within the Project so far, has been based on pro bono work of its initiators and the team.