Dr Oksana Senatorova

Founder; Member of the Foundation Sunflowers Council
PhD, a founder and Director of the NGO "Centre for International Humanitarian Law and Transitional Justice" (CIHLTJ), Director of Research Centre for Transitional Justice (RCTJ) and an Associate Professor of the International Law Department at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, and Associate Professor at NaUKMA. She has almost 20 years of experience as a lecturer of international law, IHL, ICL, Human Rights and Transitional Justice courses in Ukraine and abroad. She defended her PhD "Procedural Aspects of the Activities of International Criminal Courts" in 2005. From 2007 to 2009 she was a module leader of the LLM programme in collaboration with Hertfordshire University. From 2014 to 2020 she was a Co-Director of the LLM Programme “International Law”, Dual Diploma Programme with Mykolas Romeris University. In 2020 she founded and headed the NGO "Centre for IHL and Transitional Justice", aiming to protect and promote the rights of victims of armed conflict. Nowadays, she is a member of the Law Reform Commission of Ukraine under the President of Ukraine, a Coordinator of the Working Group on the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflict of the Interdepartmental Commission on Implementation of IHL in Ukraine, an expert at the International Council on Crimes Committed in Armed Conflict at Ukraine's Office of Prosecutor General. Since 2005 she has been an expert for the ICRC Regional Delegations; since 2021 is a peer reviewer for the ICRC Commentary on the IV Geneva Convention 1949. Since 2021 has been an expert for the Council of Europe on the IDPs in Ukraine.