Reparative Justice III: Difficulties in Listening to and Hearing Traumatized Witnesses / Victims / Survivors

This International Center for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma webinar series is held in collaboration with Project Sunflowers. It is a third in a series, following I: a conceptual introduction to reparative justice and II. key groups of traumatized victims. This time the webinar will focus on elements of the conspiracy of silence ubiquitously present after trauma, harmful both to the victims and society. Whereas society has a moral obligation to share its members’ pain, professionals and investigators of all related disciplines have, in addition, a professional, contractual obligation. When we fail to listen, explore, understand, and help, we too inflict the “trauma after the trauma”, or “the ‘second injury’ to victims” by maintaining and perpetuating the conspiracy of silence. The webinar will report and elaborate on findings detailing the multiple ways professional listening is compromised and its implications to reparative justice. Participants are urged to view the earlier webinars on this series prior to attending this one.
Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice I:
Link to the recording of the webinar Reparative Justice II:
Ukrainian-English interpretation will be provided.
Presentation will be given by dr Yael Danieli (clinical psychologist, traumatologist, victimologist and psychohistorian, Dr. Danieli is Founder and Executive Director of the International Center for the study, prevention and treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma; Director, Group Project for Holocaust Survivors and their Children and Past-President, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies) and dr Yurii Belousov (head of the War Crimes Department at the Prosecutor General’s Office in Ukraine (PGO); former head of the Department for Combating Violations of Human Rights in the Law Enforcement and Penitentiary Sectors and the PGO’s specialized Unit for Combating Torture) will be the discussant. The webinar will be moderated by dr Veronika Plotnikova (head of the Coordination Center for the Support of Victims and Witnesses of the Prosecutor General’s Office in Ukraine; co-author the practical commentary on the Code of Professional Ethics of Prosecutors and a trainer in the Training Center of Prosecutors of Ukraine, and national expert of projects of Council of Europe).
Link to register: