Category: Webinar

Webinarium zbieranie informacji o dowodach Instagram ang.

Collecting information of evidence and victims’ rights regarding atrocities committed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022

On 24 March, 2022, the Project Sunflowers organized the webinar on Collecting information of evidence and victims’ rights regarding atrocities committed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022. The speakers were Matthew Gillett, Ph.D., experienced international lawyer at investigating and prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and Marina Lostal, Ph.D, specialist in the rights of victims in international law and the protection of cultural heritage in the armed conflict. Matthew Gillett presented the legal and practical considerations relevant to investigating such events, including: when to gather information, best practices for collecting information from witnesses and victims, and the handling and processing of collected information. Marina Lostal outlined key considerations regarding their qualifications as victims and the rules and practice governing victim reparations.

The webinar was be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Polish. Please, watch the abstract of the webinar.